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Tyvechtican - Arrochar
Moving on the from the top of the back road you come to the Village Hall and the old hamlet of Tyvechtican. Tyvechtican, situated between Tarbet and Arrochar site of Macfarlane’s watchtower, this being the look out for enemies and raiders, from this point you can see both Loch Long and Loch Lomond. From Tighvechtan the Back Road could have been the original avenue of Oak trees to the Castle as the New Tarbet Castle faced towards Loch Lomond with Loch Long in the background. There is told locally of one of the remaining houses in the first half of the 20th centaury being referred to as ‘the Poor’s House’. An explanation for this is that after the 1st World War men not being able to cope with life ‘took to the road’ and became Tramps. One of the tenants at the time was known to give these men shelter. The Parish Hall was a wooden building with corrugated iron facings, built in 1890, the cost being met mainly from public subscriptions raised to a large extent by the then minister of Arrochar Rev. James Dewar. By 1995 the hall was in Argyll & Bute Council’s control and they took the decision to close the facility due to the high cost of repair and maintenance.
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