Arrochar Parish Hall 1890 - 2006 > |
Two statements in the transfer documents would have had great emphasis put on them by the Trustees. a. “The buildings thereon for any purpose whatsoever other than as a Public Hall for the inhabitants of Arrochar Parish”. b. “In the event of the said building being at anytime destroyed by fire then forthwith out of the proceeds of the policy or otherwise (could be sale) to build a new building which shall be capable of being a public hall”.
· The arrangement of the Community ‘sharing’ the new Community Centre did not really work out well, and it was not long before the residents of the village were second to the residents of the now renamed ‘Outdoor Centre’. It has to be said that the centre did provide work for locals and this was a valued asset. · By 1995 the centre was in Argyll & Bute Council control and they took the decision to close the facility due to the high cost of repair and maintainance. · In 2004 the Territorial Army had approached Argyll & Bute Council for a lease of the building all refurbishment being funded by the TA. The village had no strong objection to this as we had been told that there was the likely hood of the residents of the village being able to use the facility again. · However, the final nail was put in the Parish Hall’s coffin by the sale of the building by Argyll & Bute Council to the Territorial Army with no definite agreement that the village will be accommodated.