Arrochar Tarbet and Ardlui Heritage Group Logo





                         The West Highland Way >     (Group presentation by Dr. John MacGregor on 11th October 2006)

The West Highland Railway


Here is an audio recording of the presentation made to the Group on Wednesday 11th October 2006 at The Arrochar Fire Station by Dr. John MacGregor. Many thanks to John for the presentation and allowing us to video it in it's entirety. We've also added a slideshow with some images from the evening.


This footage is over an hour in length and 53Mb in size. The audio will stream - i.e. it will load as it plays.....



(c)2007 Arrochar, Tarbet & Ardlui Heritage Group





See also Memories Before The Railway and Memories Of The Wee Local






Use the controls beneath to start, stop and rewind and fast forward the audio. There is also a volume control.

If you can't see the controls above please click here to download the audio.