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This page features a movie



The Tyvechtican Shoot

Film The Tyvechtican Shoot

Here is a black and white silent movie taken the family that owned Stuckgowan House. It was taken at some time prior to the second world war and features 'the shoot' across the road from Tyvechtican. The old village hall can clearly be seen beside Tyvehtican.

We don't know the identities of all of the people in this film but Barclay Henry can be clearly seen. We've added a musical soundtrack to this film.

It was kindly provided Robert McArthur whose family also owned a house in Strachur. Please be patient as it may take a few moments to load.
To play the film again simply use the play button beneath the video.

Remember this video has music in the background! Use the volume control beneath the video window to adjust the volume if required.

  Arrochar Screen Test  and  Videos   and   Barclay Henry

Tyvechtican Shoot from Arrochar Heritage Group on Vimeo.